Do you ever find yourself seeing a number sequence often? Angels speak to us in synchronistic ways.
Don’t know which necklace to pick? Here’s our guide:
000: Infinity/Eternity- Confirms an infinite source of relief and peace.
111: Intuition- Trust your gut and listen to your heart.
222: Alignment- You are in the right place and the right time.
333: Support- Your spiritual guides are all around you sending love, support, and guidance.
444: Protection- The universe and your spiritual guides are protecting you.
555: Change- Something new is coming.
777: Luck- Wonderful things are about to happen.
888: Balance- Everything is falling into place as it’s meant to be.
999: Release- It’s time to let go of what’s no longer serving you.
18K Gold plated stainless steel, perfect for sensitive skin. 16 inch chain plus extension.
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